ActionAid Association receives the Bhubaneswar Leadership Award


Bhubaneswar :  ActionAid Association has been bestowed with the most prestigious Bhubaneswar Leadership Awards by The World CSR Day in a meeting held at Sandy’s Tower Bhubaneswar. This leadership award recognises the impact of ActionAid Association’s work and its significant contribution towards bringing sustainable growth and change in society. The Bhubaneswar Leadership Awards are intensely researched process undertaken by the research cell which consists of Postgraduates in History & Management with over 5 years research experience posts their studies. It is the iconic job of the research cell to produce a shortlist of Organizations who are doing extraordinary work and track the record of their achievements. The shortlist is then reviewed by a Jury comprising of senior professionals from across the globe.

Receiving the leadership award, the National Humanitarian Lead & Associate Director of ActionAid Association, Debabrat Patra says; “We are honoured and humbled receiving this award as recognition to our work. This award is dedicated to my colleagues, partners, volunteers, and organisation at large and its senior leadership which enabled us to do this wonderful work. Thanks to the organisers who did extensive research to find out the work ActionAid did in the past. This award will encourage us to work with more passion and vigour in future. This year ActionAid has completed 50 years of the service to the humanity. We work in 25 states and 2 union territories in India.

In Odisha ActionAid worked in 28 districts in the field of Child Protection, Emergency response, Youth leadership building, empowerment of women and persons with disabilities and so on. ActionAid work closely with state and district administration in Odisha along with State Commissions for Children, Women and Persons with Disabilities. Also, ActionAid has done research on various subjects like witch hunting, informal workers and published citizens reports post different emergencies like cyclones, droughts, and floods; he further added.

During COVID19 emergency ActionAid has reached out to 80 lakh people especially informal labour and migrants in the entire country. In Odisha ActionAid worked in 22 districts, 6000 villages 6 lakh population and provided the needy people with ration kits, medical supplies like masks, thermal scanners, thermometers and recently livelihood and cash support. Also, ActionAid has provided oxygen concentrators to government hospitals. After vaccination was started, ActionAid undertook vaccination drive in 12 districts and helped in vaccinating 50000 people. Among others Suvendu Kumar Ray, National Procurement Manager & B N Durga, M & E Manager of ActionAid were present in the meeting on behalf of the organisation.


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