6 Mental Health Tips For Government Exams Preparation

As per a report prepared by Lancet, one in every Indian suffers from some type of mental disorder. These mental orders do not even exempt the students. The students who are especially preparing for government exams are highly vulnerable to these mental disorders due to the immense amount of pressure on them to perform. The government exams of India are known for their structure and tough conduct. These exams are conducted for only a limited number of vacancies in different Government Jobs which makes the competition even fiercer. In addition to that, it also accounts for high levels of uncertainty and further, the problem is further magnified by the longer gestation periods. As a result of all these factors, any student who is preparing for the government exams oscillates between both hope and despair. The students preparing for tough exams are not simply under the pressure to complete the syllabus on time but also to keep themselves inspired and motivated throughout the period of preparation. A student preparing for a government exam to maintain the sanity of their mind can try following these tips. 

1. Create a result 

To get the joy of seeing the name in the list of Sarkari Result, it is important that one prepares a schedule fast. The schedule should not only consist of all the study that needs to be done but should also consider the breaks which are required to get refreshed. It is important to create a schedule such that both the physical and mental aspect of the student is taken care of while ensuring proper sleeping time. 

2. Engage in some physical activity

A student preparing for a government exam naturally spends a lot of time studying which drastically reduces the amount of physical activity. The lack of physical activity in turn create lethargic moments and it impacts the mind negatively and therefore, it becomes important to engage in one or another form of physical activity. 

3. Practice mindfulness

A student might feel anxious due to the burden of the entire preparation process resulting in reduced productivity. One can control anxiety by doing breathing exercises which act as a foundation for practising mindfulness. 

4. Use technology 

Gone are the days when technology only acted as a distraction for the student. Today, if used wisely, technology can help a student to crack an exam. There are plenty of apps available out there which ensures that the sleeping routine is maintained, a healthy eating habit is followed in addition to support from external sources. Such helpful apps can be used by the student to reduce stress. 

5. Engagement with a mentor

Students might feel dejected if they do not have anyone to support them in their journey and that is when the role of mentors come into play. A good mentor will not only ensure that the student is preparing for the exam in the proper manner but will also help them in dealing with their mental well-being. In addition to that, one should always talk to other aspirants as they are in the same boat and talking about the issues that they are facing in the journey can help one another to cope with the stress. 

6. Have a social life

A common trend that is visible pan India amongst the students preparing for any kind of exam is the complete eradication of social life. The elimination of social life altogether has an immediate negative impact on a student which serves as their support system especially at the time when they need it the most. Therefore, it is important to realize that one does not need to remove themselves from their social life altogether. Instead, the social life should be moderately enjoyed. 


In addition to that, any student preparing for the government job should consciously look for any warning signs of mental disorder that they might experience while preparing for the exam. If the preparation at any time looks overwhelming, it is advised to seek professional help actively. The issues of mental health should not be discarded by normalizing that one often goes through depression while preparing for such tough exams. It is extremely crucial to take care of your mental health not only to perform well in the exam but also to become an emotionally stable person too.

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