“To prevent possible third wave, get everyone to follow covid friendly behavior and corona protocol” says Minister in charge Yashodhara Raje Scindia

Bhopal: Sports and Youth Welfare, Skill Development and Employment, Technical Education Minister and District In-charge Minister Smt. Yashodhara Raje Scindia praised the efforts of Collector Awadhesh Sharma along with other administrative officers, health workers and public representatives on effective control over the spread of corona infection in Agar-Malwa district. Appreciated and congratulated. The progress of Kovid-19 prevention and vaccination in the district was reviewed by the Minister-in-Charge Smt. Scindia on Tuesday through virtual medium. In the meeting, detailed information was given about the arrangements made by the Collector for the prevention of Kovid-19 and the treatment provided to the infected , oxygen supply system etc.

MLA Shri Vikram Singh Rana, Superintendent of Police Shri Rakesh Kumar Sagar, District Panchayat CEO Shri Ditu Singh Ranada, Additional Collector Shri Ashfaq Ali and other officers participated in the virtual meeting.

In-charge Minister Smt. Scindia said that to prevent the possible third wave of corona infection, administrative officers and public representatives should make such efforts together in future also. To keep the corona infection under control in the district, take necessary precautions. Everyone should be made to follow covid friendly behavior and corona protocol. He said that walking without face mask cover and not following social distance is inviting disease. So make everyone follow it. If the use of face mask cover and social distance is maintained, then there will be no spread of corona infection. A distance of two yards should be followed at all commercial establishments and crowds should not be allowed to gather.

In-charge Minister Smt. Scindia said that vaccination of all service providers and their families should be done on priority. They should provide their services to the citizens only after the service provider is vaccinated. So that the service provider himself and other people can be kept safe from infection. All frontline workers and others who have received the first vaccine of corona vaccine should also be given the second vaccine within the time-limit. The work of RTPCR test and contact tracing should be done continuously. In-charge Minister Smt. Scindia said that all necessary arrangements including beds, oxygen supply, medicines should be kept in view of the possible third wave of corona infection in the district. More and more tests for corona infection should be done in the district. Do not allow crowded programs to be organized and get the number of persons exempted for the programs to be followed.

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