Royalty for Minerals : Pralhad Joshi

New Delhi : Minister of Mines, Coal and Parliamentary Affairs  Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today said that the rates of royalty on minerals are revised from time to time as per the provisions of  the MMDR Act, 1957.

In order to evaluate the revision of royalty rates and dead rent for minerals (other than  coal, lignite, sand for stowing and minor minerals), the Ministry of Mines vide order dated 09.02.2018 constituted a Study Group consisting of representatives from mineral rich states & representatives of Mining Industry /Associations /Federations. The Study Group has submitted its final recommendation on 25.07.2019. In the meantime, Union Cabinet on 13th January 2021 has approved the proposal of Ministry of Mines to introduce an index based mechanism by developing a National Mineral Index (NMI) for various statutory payments  and others for future auctions. Accordingly, Ministry of Mines vide order dated 06.04.2021 has constituted a committee for developing NMI of individual minerals.

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