Monthly Crude oil Production Report for August 2021

New Delhi : Crude oil production during August 2021 was 2518.56 TMT, which is 5.98% lower than target for the month and 2.29% lower when compared with production of August 2020.Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2021 was 12480.21 TMT, which is 3.33% and 3.15% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Unit-wise and State-wise crude oil production is given at Annexure-I. Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of August 2021 and cumulatively for April-August, 2021 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1.

Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT)

Oil Company Target August (Month) April-August (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 20272.88 1753.49 1642.76 1708.23 96.17 8439.43 8119.84 8515.19 95.36
OIL 3182.60 262.25 253.51 242.98 104.34 1273.45 1249.15 1239.98 100.74
PSC Fields 7718.52 663.07 622.29 626.32 99.36 3197.31 3111.22 3131.26 99.36
Total 31173.99 2678.81 2518.56 2577.52 97.71 12910.20 12480.21 12886.43 96.85

Note: Totals may not tally due to rounding off.*: Provisional

Unit-wise production details with reasons for shortfall are as under:


    1. Crude oil production by ONGC in the nomination blocks is less than monthly target of Aug’21 (6.31%) as well as April – Aug’21 target (3.79%). Also, it is less than actual production in corresponding month and period of last year i.e. Aug’20 (3.83%) & Apr-Aug’20 (4.64%). Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • Less than anticipated production from WO-16 cluster due to delay in mobilization of MOPU Sagar Samrat.
  • Less than anticipated production from Cluster-8 fields due to delay in inputs as installation of wellhead platforms delayed due to COVID-19 impact.
  • Consequential loss in oil production due to conditions created by cyclone Tauktae.


    1. Crude oil production by OIL in the nomination blocks is higher than actual production in corresponding month and period of last year i.e. Aug’20 (4.34%) & Apr-Aug’20 (0.74%).  However, it is less than monthly target of Aug’21 (3.33%) as well as April – Aug’21 target (1.91%). Reasons for shortfall in production as compared to target is as under:


  • Less than planned contribution from workover wells, drilling wells and old wells.


    1. Crude oil production by Pvt/JVscompanies in the PSC/RSC regimeis less than monthly target of Aug’21 (6.15%) as well as April – Aug’21 target (2.69%). Also, it is less than actual production in corresponding month and period of last year i.e. Aug’20 (0.64%) & Apr-Aug’20 (0.64%). Reasons for shortfall in production as compared to target is as under:


  • RAVVA (Cairn Energy India Ltd): Production shortfall is due to injectivity issues in few wells that caused the lower productivity.
  • RJ-ON-90/1 (Cairn Energy India Ltd): Production is lower due to downtime on account of well failures and Diesel Generator breakdown across fields. Also, delay in polymer start up led to lower productivity.
  • CB-ONN-2000/1 (GSPC): Not enough production from few wells due to reservoir issues and possible casing and sub surface assembly damage. Also, minor shortfall wells on account of power failure has affected the production.
  • CB-ONN-2004/2 (ONGC): Two development wellscould not be drilled as planned in Q1 FY2021-22. Also, a newly developed well is under performing, thus, affecting the production rate.
  • MB/OSDSF/B80/2016 (Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Ltd.): Delay in commencement of production.


  1. Production of Natural Gas


Natural gas production during August2021 was 2923.94MMSCM, which is 20.23% higher when compared with production of August 2020 but 10.14% lower than the monthly target. Cumulative natural gas production during April-August, 2021 was 13985.76MMSCM, which is 19.94% higher than production during corresponding period of last year but 6.39% lower when compared with target for the period. Unit-wise and state-wise natural gas production is given at Annexure-II. Unit-wise natural gas production for the month of August2021 and cumulatively for the April-August, 2021 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-2 and month-wise in Figure-2.

Table-2: Natural Gas Production (inMMSCM)

Oil Company Target August (Month) April- August (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 23335.10 2002.07 1743.54 1920.55 90.78 9595.24 8526.13 9196.71 92.71
OIL 2949.65 251.06 256.59 188.59 136.05 1235.25 1180.19 1041.14 113.36
PSC Fields 11834.60 1000.66 923.82 322.77 286.22 4110.52 4279.45 1422.52 300.84
Total 38119.35 3253.79 2923.94 2431.91 120.23 14941.01 13985.76 11660.37 119.94

Note:  Totals may not tally due to rounding off. *: Provisional


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