Electronics and IT Minister Tusharkanti Behera  informs that 5393 villages in Odisha have no mobile tower

Bhubaneswar : In reply  to a question asked by Ganesh Ram Singh Khuntia , Electronics and IT Minister Tusharkanti Behera  said in the house that as many as 5,393 villages in Odisha have no mobile tower and as per the 2011 census, out of the total 47,677 inhabited villages in the state, a plan is on to improve mobile/ internet services in 5,393 uncovered villages in LWE and aspirational districts through 4G service.


Besides, minister also said 3933 villages of 10 aspirational districts—Bolangir, Dhenkanal, Gajapati, Kalahandi, Kandhamal, Koraput, Malkangiri, Nabarangpur, Nuapada and Raygada would be covered under 4G service under USOF Aspirational District Project.

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