New Delhi :Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has established India’s ancient form of Yoga in the whole world. Yoga is established in the world and today it is also working to cure the whole world. International Yoga Day is celebrated in almost every country of the world. In a message issued on International Yoga Day, Chief Minister Shri Chouhan, extended warm wishes to the people of the state and inspired them to adopt yoga.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that ‘Shareer Madhyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam’ means body is the medium for following all religions. We need our body for any work we have to do. Along with a healthy body, the mind should also be full of energy, joy and happiness, then only we can perform or execute any work properly. Yoga keeps the body healthy, mind controlled, disciplined and happy. It sharpens the intellect and also connects us with God.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that the eight parts of yoga are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi respectively. Yama, Niyama means a controlled life and eating habits. Through Asanas, we keep our body flexible and healthy. Pranayama is the process of breathing, which strengthens our lungs, it also controls the mind.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that I myself work for 18 hours a day, take a balanced diet and try to maintain regularity in my life. Along with this, I do asanas, pranayama and meditation every day. As a result I never have a problem working 18 hours a day. I am constantly filled with positive energy. We can all be positive through yoga. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that when I got Covid during the Covid period, I continued practicing Asanas and Pranayama, which helped me fight against Covid.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that if the body is healthy, then our immune system can fight against diseases. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan has appealed to the people of the state to practice yoga and pranayama every day and not only on International Day of Yoga and make the body healthy. Our body is a storehouse of infinite powers, through this we can do many great things.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that if the body is healthy, then our immunity can fight against diseases. In his message to children and youth of the state, Shri Chouhan said that if they practice yoga, pranayama and meditation every day, then their intellect will also become sharp. Along with this, you will be able to concentrate on studies in a better way and the ability to work will also develop to achieve the set goals in life. Let us practice yoga everyday. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan thanked the organizations like Patanjali Yogpeeth for being continuously active in the promotion of Yoga.
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