CM Naveen Patnaik attends 50th year commemoration of the establishment of Dhauli Shanti Stupa 

Bhubaneswar : On the occasion of 50th year commemoration of the establishment of Dhauli Shanti Stupa  Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today announced construction of an instream storage on the Daya River at Basantpur. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 95 crore and the tender process for the project has already been started.

CM Naveen Patnaik tweeted, ” Dhauli Shanti Stupa is a landmark in spreading peace throughout the globe. On the commemoration of 50 years of Dhauli Shanti Stupa, I extend my warm greetings and good wishes to all the revered Bhikshus, saints and the august gathering present here from across the globe.”

Offer my sincere tributes to most revered Nichidatsu Fuji Guruji of Japan, Founder and Preceptor of Nipponzan Myohoji, for his invaluable contribution in building this Biswa Shanti Stupa at Dhauli. Steps taken by Kalinga-Nippon Buddha Sangha to make it happen is also appreciated.

The pages of Odisha history starts with Dhauli & the Kalinga war. Although, the war ended with massive bloodshed, Dhauli continues to sing the moral victory of the entire humanity. It is this place where Ashoka realised the futility of war and bloodshed & embraced Buddhism.

Dhauli changed the course of world history by spreading the message of global peace & harmony. The 50th year commemoration of #DhauliShantiStupa is a matter of great pride, glory and joy for all of us. This is here the transformation of Emperor Asoka to Dharmashoka happened.

#ShantiStupa stands here as a monument symbolizing and spreading the message of peace, harmony and progress. Dhauli Peace Pagoda is a great creation of modern architecture. It bears the testimony of Indo-Japanese friendship that stands for global peace and mutual co-operation.

The place will continue to spread the message of peace for all the time to come. I am very much grateful to Revered Takao Takedo of Japan, Bhikshu and Bhikshuni of Nipponzan Myohoji for conducting today’s Morning Prayer for spreading global peace and harmony.

The Government of #Odisha has taken steps for beautification and holistic development of Dhauli Shanti Stupa. Peace has no alternative. It has its significance in all ages. Let us work together to spread the message of peace and create a safer world for our future generation.


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