Accident at Fertilizer Yard of Dhamra port

Dhamra: Accident occurred today (October 12, 2019) at around 6:45AM at the Fertilizer Yard of Dhamra port.One electrical wire was stretched and came into contact with a loading trolley causing electrical shock to three workmen. They were rushed to the first aid center and administrated first aid and subsequently rushed to Cuttack for better medical attention.

One workman named Rajaram Rai(24)succumbed during treatment while other two named as JayramYadav(44), and Bulbul Kumar(40) are out of danger. They all are resident of Bihar.

The safety of employees and contractual workmen is Adani’s top priority. We at Adani would like to reiterate that we follow the highest standard of health and safety. We have ordered an inquiry to find out the exact reason of the unfortunate accident.

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