Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets Union Minister of State Dr. L. Murugan on his birthday

New Delhi: Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Dr. L. Murugan has thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for greeting him on his birthday.

In a tweet this morning, Dr. Murugan thanked the Prime Minister for his wishes and said, his kind words always give more energy to work more for the nation.

“Under your dynamic leadership and guidance I will always strive to give my best”, Dr. Murugan added.

Earlier, the Prime Minister in his letter had  mentioned that Dr. Murugan constantly strives towards building a New India with tireless effort, boundless energy and firm resolve. The Prime Minister had further stated that “Birthday is a special occasion to look at and assess the relevance of life. It inspires us to rededicate ourselves with renewed energy to discharge our responsibilities towards the family, society and the nation. The dedication and commitment with which you are working for the development and prosperity of the nation, is inspiring especially for the youngsters.”

The Prime Minister greeted the Minister to be blessed with good health and happiness and extended  best wishes for a bright future and his efforts in the times to come.

Union Minister Dr. L. Murugan’s tweet can be accessed at the following link:

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