Odisha Expands Social Security Net, Adds 4 Lakh Beneficiaries to Madhu Babu Pension Yojana


In a significant move aimed at bolstering social welfare measures, Odisha Chief Minister has greenlit the inclusion of an additional 4 lakh beneficiaries under the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana (MBPY), the state’s flagship social security scheme. The decision, announced on Tuesday, comes in response to mounting requests received by the government to widen the scope of the program, which provides essential financial support to vulnerable sections of society.

The Madhu Babu Pension Yojana, revered for its role in extending crucial assistance to economically disadvantaged individuals, has long been a cornerstone of Odisha’s commitment to inclusive growth. With the latest expansion, the scheme is set to further amplify its impact, ensuring that a larger segment of the population receives much-needed financial aid to meet their basic needs.

The decision to incorporate 4 lakh additional beneficiaries underscores the government’s unwavering dedication to enhancing social security provisions and uplifting the marginalized communities. This expansion reflects a proactive approach towards addressing the evolving needs of the populace, especially in the face of socio-economic challenges exacerbated by various factors.

The move has been widely hailed as a progressive step towards fostering greater social inclusion and providing a safety net for those most in need. It is anticipated to bring tangible relief to countless households grappling with financial hardships, thereby fostering a more equitable and resilient society.

The state government’s commitment to expanding the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana reaffirms its pledge to prioritize the welfare of its citizens and build a more inclusive and compassionate society. As the program continues to evolve and reach more individuals in need, it serves as a beacon of hope for vulnerable communities across Odisha.




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