Ministry of Law and Justice Hosts Workshop on Happiness and Human Values

Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Institute of Legislative Drafting and Research organized a motivation lecture cum workshop titled, “Happiness – Building Capacity through Human Values” here today. On the occasion, Chief Guest and Minister of State for Law and Justice (Independent Charge) Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal said that sharing problems with others and finding its solutions is a healthy practice which can be inculcated in work environment. In this context, providing examples and instances from his experience, he said that the mantra for well-being and to stay happy is to tackle stress in one’s life objectively is of vital essence.

Shri Meghwal added that Indian tradition is replete with examples, where sharing problems with others would not only help in alleviating the issues for constructive solutions, but also essential for increasing productivity in work. Emphasizing on Legislative department’s minute facets of drafting, he said that Communication skills should be honed and developed by officials, which builds credibility in work. In this context, he observed that communication gaps should be reduced and it is a management skill which is essential to build on the human resource competence of the department and to grow with a healthy mindset in happy and sustainable manner.

While introducing the theme and the purpose of organizing the lecture cum workshop, Dr. Rajiv Mani, Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department emphasized that while working in a team, certain skills and traits are very essential. He said in that endeavor, this workshop would be of immense importance with respect to coordination and professionalism while tackling the pertinent facets of the work life balance and well-being.

In the workshop, Dr. Nanditesh Nilay, author and motivational speaker broadly structured his deliberation on four vital points, which would lead to a happy and successful work environ thereby resulting in capacity building for the department and wellbeing and happiness of each member of the department. His lecture were structured on vital points viz. firstly, being diligent to one’s work and having a purpose in one’s life; secondly, work provides identity to a person; thirdly, being proud of work being performed; fourthly, one should have spiritualism in his or her mindspace.

Speaking on the topic he galvanized the attention of the audience as he said that the catalyst of happiness is to be found from within oneself. Talking on maintaining work-life balance, he said that it is essential to find purpose in one’s life and to be optimistic in work environ since happy is the essence of life. Sharing practical experience of his life, he emphasized that thought, mind and action should be aligned for happiness. He said that work life balance is closely correlated to happiness. To bring work balance as an essential facet in day-to-day routine, he urged all to bring “life in work”. Dr. Nilay mentioned that work should provide the purpose and the very objective which is being aspired for while working in any setup. Quoting Arjun in Mahabharata, he said that, being realistic is important, staying focused in work environment is quintessential. He observed that it is pertinent to find pride in one’s work which provides identity and purpose to the individual; while being happy is a state of mind, Dr Nilay said that working with honestly and diligently is equally important. Human Resource provide a competitive edge in a work environment, through which competence can be harnessed for building capacity, he added.

The lecture cum workshop involved senior officials of Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department and was concluded by Dr. Manoj Kumar, Additional Secretary in the Legislative Department in the presence of media fraternity listening to the entire session with rapt attention as they appreciated the efficacy of the initiative of the motivational session.

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