Madhya Pradesh to release new covid 19 guidelines

Bhopal: Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has given new guidelines to the District Collectors regarding Corona curfew restrictions keeping in view the decline in Covid-19 infection in the state. He has said that these should be placed before the District Crisis Management Committee and it should be implemented at the district level according to the situation there, in consultation with the committee. Collectors should issue appropriate orders regarding Corona curfew. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan reviewed the restrictions regarding Corona curfew today.

The guidelines issued by the state government on the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Chouhan, states that all social, political, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious events and fairs etc., in which people gather, should remain banned. Schools, colleges, educational training, coaching institutes should remain closed. Online classes will continue. All religious places and places of worship will be able to open, but not more than six people will be able to be present at a time and it will be mandatory for those present to follow the Covid protocol. All government, semi-government, corporation and divisional offices will open with cent percent attendance of officers and employees.

All types of shops, commercial establishments and private offices will remain open from 9 am to 8 pm. Shopping malls and gyms will also be able to open from 9 am to 8 pm. All cinema halls, theaters and swimming pools will remain closed. All large, medium, small and micro industries will be able to function in full capacity and construction activities will continue. Gyms and fitness centers will be able to open at 50 percent capacity till 8 pm, in adherence to Covid protocol. All sports stadiums will be able to open, but spectators will not be able to participate in sports events.

All restaurants and clubs will be able to open from 50 percent capacity till 10 pm. All hotels and lodges will be able to open at full capacity. In marriage events, the presence of only 50 people including both the parties will be given permission. For this purpose, it will be necessary for the organizer to supply the list of the names of the guests to the district administration before the event. Funerals will be allowed with a maximum of 10 people.

There will be a ban on the gathering of more than 6 persons at any place other than for the permitted activities. Movement of inter-state and intra-state goods and services will remain uninterrupted. Villages, where the numbers of active cases of Covid-19 are 5 or more than 5, have been marked as red zone villages. In red zone villages and in micro-containment zones and containment zones of urban areas, activities can be conducted only as per the guidelines issued by the Union Health Ministry regarding Covid-19 infection. There will be Janata Curfew on every Sunday in all the urban areas of the entire state, which will be effective from 10 pm on Saturday to 6 am on Monday. Night curfew will remain in all the urban areas of the entire state from 10 pm to 6 am.

Every citizen should follow the appropriate Covid behavior and for this a massive public awareness campaign will be launched. The district administration will ensure compliance of the Covid-19 protocol in the district and legal action will be taken against those who violate them. All these guidelines will be effective till June 30, 2021. Strict adherence to the guidelines will be ensured.

Covid-19 protocol and covid appropriate behavior-discipline

Inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods of Madhya Pradesh will continue smoothly. Thermal screening of citizens entering the state at the state border will be done on inter-state routes. Social distancing will be followed by making balls in front of the shops and ensuring adequate distance between the customers. ‘No Mask-No Service’ means that the shopkeeper will not sell any goods to the customer who is not wearing a face mask. Shopkeepers themselves will also use masks. If any shopkeeper is found violating the ‘No Mask-No Service’ protocol, then action will be taken to seal the shop as per rules.

Social distancing will have to be followed in permitted social programmes. Hand wash and sanitization will have to be arranged and all the persons involved will have to wear face masks. It will be mandatory to ensure this by the organiser.

Every citizen should wear a face mask, as wearing a face mask is an essential preventive measure. Social distance should be maintained among themselves, so that Covid infection can be effectively prevented. All persons have also been advised to wash their hands with soap and water or use a sanitizer after touching any surface that is in public contact.

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