Allocation of Funds Under PMKSY : Gajendra Singh

New Delhi :Union Minister for Jal Shakti,  Gajendra Singh Shekhawat   in a written  reply in Rajya Sabha  today said that  Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), initiated in 2015, is an umbrella scheme, consisting of two major components being implemented by this Ministry, namely, Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), and Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP). HKKP, in turn, consists of four sub-components, namely, Command Area Development (CAD), Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI), Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies, and Ground Water Development component.

In addition, PMKSY also consists of two other components being implemented by other Departments. Per Drop More Crop component is being implemented by Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, while Watershed Development component of PMKSY is being implemented by Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development.

Details of central assistance (CA) released under PMKSY during the last five years, is tabulated below:

(Rs. in crore)

Central Assistance 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme 3307.88 3593.61 2849.07 1738.76 1510.04
Har Khet Ko Pani 1001.91 1678.13 1343.23 1217.97 976.53
Per Drop More Crop 1991.24 2819.49 2918.38 2700.01 2562.18
Watershed Development 1471.72 1691.81 1780.55 1472.33 990.23


Central Government launched the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) in the year 1996-97 to provide central assistance to major/medium irrigation projects in the country, for early completion of advanced stage projects held up due to financial constraints. Till its inclusion under PMKSY in 2016, 297 irrigation/ multi-purpose projects were included for funding under AIBP. Out of these, 143 projects have been completed and 5 projects were foreclosed. An irrigation potential of 24.39 lakh hectare has been created through the completed projects.


After launch of PMKSY in 2015-16, AIBP became a part of PMKSY. Under PMKSY-AIBP, 99 projects having ultimate potential of 76.03 lakh hectare have been prioritized for completion. Against the balance ultimate potential of 34.63 lakh hectare, 21.45 lakh hectare has been achieved till March, 2020. During period, average annual rate of completion of projects has increased from 7 to 11, while the average annual rate of potential creation (lakh hectare) has increased from 4.5 to 5.4. The achievement by CADWM component upto March, 2021 is 14.96 lakh hectare, along with formation of 8,562 Water Users Associations. Under PMKSY-AIBP and CADWM, central assistance and State share is being provided through NABARD under Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF). There is also a provision whereby State share can be borrowed from NAB ARD by the State, with interest subvention beyond 6% to be borne by Government of India. The use of pressurized pipe irrigation and micro irrigation is being promoted to increase efficiency. Further, cropped area in the command of these 99 priority projects is being assessed by the Bhaskaracharya Institute For Space Applications and Geo-Informatics (BISAG) by using remote sensing techniques and 48.29 lakh hectare has been assessed during 2016-2020.


Under HKKP-SMI, irrigation potential created since XII plan onwards is 6.85 lakh hectare, while that created under HKKP-RRR of water bodies during this period is about 1.31 lakh hectare. Similarly, under HKKP-Ground Water component, about 35.44 thousand hectare has been brought under ground water irrigation till March, 2021. Under PMKSY-PDMC, 57.30 lakh hectare has been covered under micro irrigation during 2015-16 to 2020-21. For PMKSY-WDC, during 2015-2021, about 6.38 lakh water harvesting structures have been created / rejuvenated and 14.01 lakh hectare additional area brought under protective irrigation.

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