New Delhi : For the 1st time, the Khelo India Women’s tournament will feature Track Cycling. The tournament, scheduled to take place across 4 Zones, has been sanctioned for a total Rs 1.15 crore by the Department of Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
SAI NSNIS Patiala will play host to the first phase for the North Zone Amritsar leg. The competition will take place in cycling velodrome inside the NSNIS campus on December 20 and 21. The North Zone phases will then shift to the Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana and the Guru Nanak Dev University Campus, Amritsar, respectively on December 23-24 and December 28-29.
The 1st phase of the South Zone will also be held this year with SAI LNIPE Trivandrum hosting it on December 26-27. The Cycling Federation of India, with assistance from the Union Sports Ministry, is organizing this tournament, which will take place across the Sprint, Keirin, 500m Individual Time Trial, Individual Pursuit and Scratch Race.
The Road Cycling events taking place this year under the KheloIndia Sports for Women component also include Road event on December 24-25 in Bikaner and December 29-30 in Palode, Trivandrum.
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