Year End Review: 2021- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

New Delhi : Agriculture has been the bright spot in the economy despite Covid 19 in the year 2021. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Year End Review of achievements and initiatives of the various Schemes, Programmes and Missions is as follows:


Achievement of Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare for the year 2021-22


  1. Production: For year 2021-22, the production data is available for only kharif crops (as per first advance estimates)
  • Foodgrains (kharif) – 150.50 MT
  • Oilseeds (kharif) – 23.39 MT
  • Sugarcane – 419.25 MT


  1. PM- KISAN:


  • Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme (PM-KISAN), more than 1.60 lakh crore rupees have been directly transferred to more than 11.54 crore farmers till now.


  1. PM-KMDY:


  • Total 21,42,718 number of farmers have been enrolled under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana (PM-KMDY).


  1. AIF


  • Till date, a total of 8702 projects have been sanctioned under the scheme with a loan amount of Rs. 6254 crores, out of which, Rs. 2291 crores have been disbursed for 4315 projects.


  1. MSP:


  • The Union Budget for 2018-19 had announced the pre-determined principle to keep MSP at levels of one and half times of the cost of production. In line with the same principle, Government had announced the increase in MSP for all mandated kharif crops of year 2021-22 on 9th June, 2021. The expected returns to farmers over their cost of production is estimated to be highest in case of bajra (85%), followed byurad (65%) and tur (arhar) (62%). For rest of the crops, return to farmers over their cost of production is estimated to be at least 50%.
  • On 8th September, 2021, the Government has announced the MSP for all mandated Rabi crops for Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) 2022-23. The expected returns to farmers over their cost of production are estimated to be highest in case of wheat and rapeseed & mustard (100% each), followed by lentil (79%); gram (74%); barley (60%); safflower (50%).



  1. National Food Security Mission:


  • During 2021-22, NFSM is being implemented in identified districts of 28 states & 2 Union Territories (UTs) viz. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh in the country:
  • NFSM-Rice in 193 districts of 24 states & UT of Jammu & Kashmir.
  • NFSM-Wheat in 124 districts of 10 states & 2 UTs viz. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
  • NFSM-Pulses in 644 districts of 28 states & 2 UTs viz. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. NFSM-Coarse Cereals in 269 districts of 26 states & 2 UTs viz. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
  • NFSM-Nutri-Cereals in 212 districts of 14 states.
  • NFSM-Coarse Cereals in 269 districts of 26 stats & 2 UTs viz. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
  • NFSM-Commercial Crops, Cotton is implemented in 15 states, Jute in 9 states and Sugarcane in 13 states of the country.
  • The Targeting Rice Fallow Area (TRFA) programme under NFSM is implemented in 11 states of the country to promote cultivation of pulses in rice fallow areas of the states.
  • An amount of Rs. 1560.00 crore (BE) has been allocated for NFSM during 2021-22.



  • Oilseeds:


  • NFSM-Oilseeds is being implemented in 27 States and 3 UTs.
  • Annual Action Plan of the states / UTs have been approved for an amount of Rs. 276.46 crores. Out of this, an amount of Rs. 62.42 crore has been released to the state so far for implementation of NFSM-Oilseeds.
  • Besides, Annual Action Plan of the 8 states for an amount of Rs. 50.00 crore has been approved for implementation of TRFA Oilseeds.
  • Govt. of India has fixed targets of 29.21 million ha for area coverage, 36.56 MTs for production and 1337 kg/ha for productivity under Oilseeds.
  • Distribution of over 834535 Soyabeanminikits with yield of not less than 20 qtl/ha and distribution of 58416 groundnut seed minikits with yield not less than 22 qtl/ha under Kharif 2021-22 season.
  • In Rabi season, over 8,20,600 Mustard minikits and 11,000 groundnut minikits are plan to be distributed.


  1. Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Regions (MOVCDNER):


  • 170 FPO/FPCs created covering 153116 farmers and 155495 ha area
  • 288 Collection, Aggregation, Grading units, Custom Hiring Centres, 26 processing and pack house entities created under FPO/FPCs and private ownership
  • 93 transportation vehicles provided to FPO/FPCs
  • 7 states developed their own brands
  • Marketing facilitation of ginger, turmeric, pineapple and king chilli have been major success and FPCs have been supported with buyback agreements
  • The export of king chilli sauce, pineapple (canned) and ginger flakes to UK, USA, Australia, France and Swaziland have already started
  • Industry mentorship model with necessary infrastructure development with 3 FPCs
  • Contract production of Ginger and Turmeric with 100% buyback assurance finalized with 3FPOs in Arunachal Pradesh with Parvata Foods
  • Contract cultivation of other high value crops such as Perila, black thai ginger and Calandula flowers is under process.


  1. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY):


  • Under PKVY Scheme 19043 clusters formed during 2018-19 to 2020-21 in Phase-II against the target of 20500 clusters. Work continue in 19043 clusters (Phase-II) and old 11891 clusters of Phase-I (2015-16 to 2017-18) in 2021-22.
  • Total 3.81 lakh ha area covered formed during 2018-19 to 2021-22 in Phase-II against the target of 4.10 lakh ha area and work continues in 2.38 lakh ha area covered in Phase-I (2015-16 to 2017-18) in 2021-22 under PKVY.
  • Total 9.52 lakh farmers have been benefitted during 2018-19 to 2020-21 in Phase-II and farmers are engaged for completing the spillover activities during the CFY 2021-22.
  • In addition to above, Under NamamiGangeProgrammeRs 101.56 crore funds has been released for 6181 clusters and 1.23 lakh ha area covered till date since 2017-18.
  • In addition to above, under natural farming fund released for an area of 4.09 lakh ha area since 2020-21.
  • In Jaivik-kheti portal total 5.45 lakh farmers, 16905 local groups, 75 input suppliers, 7881 buyers and 178696 products have been registered.
  • Government has initiated Large Area Certification (LAC) programme since 2020-21 to certify large traditional/default organic areas such as hills, islands, tribal or desert belt with no past history of GMO and agro chemical uses.  Under this programme 14,445 ha area under Car Nicobar and Nancowry group of islands in Union Territory of A&N Islands have been certified to transform entire territory of these islands to organic similar to Sikkim. Proposal of 5000 ha area has been received from Ladakh under LAC and fund Rs 11.475 lakh has been released. The entire cultivable land of 2700 ha area of Lakshadweep have been certified organic under Large area certification
  • Various Brands developed and business tie-ups have been formed with various business groups for marketing of organic produce under PKVY Scheme.


Rashtrya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY-RAFTAAR) in 2021-22


  • Rs. 1034.21 crore has been released to the States during 2021-22.
  • So far, 286 projects has been approved by the States for implementation during 2021-22 .



  1. Seeds:


  • During 2021-22, under Seed Village Programme, assistance amounting to Rs. 13.44 crore has been released and 6.32 lakh farmers benefited (as on date).
  • Under National Seed Reserve 1.75 lakh qtls. seeds of short and medium crop varieties proposed to be maintained to meet the contingency and unforeseen situations like drought and flood for Kharif-2021 and an amount of Rs.4.77 crore has been released.
  • During 2021-22, a total amount of Rs.1.33 crore has been released to create Seed Storage Capacity of 2600 MT.
  • Transport subsidy of Rs. 4.86 crore has been released for movement of 2.54 lakh quintals of seeds to North-Eastern States and other States etc.
  • Rs.4.00 crore has been released for strengthening and renovation of 5 Seed Testing laboratories   in the Country.
  • An amount of Rs.0.30 crore has been released for establishment of 3 Green House in the Country.
  • An amount of Rs.0.06 Crore has been released for organizing Training on Seed related Activities in the Country.
  • An amount of Rs.1.43 Crore has been provided for support to Seed Certification Agency (for the staff cost).


  1. Agricultural Mechanization:


  • During 2021-22, an amount of Rs.331.94 Crore, Rs.193.35 Crore, Rs.159.59 Crore respectively have been sanctioned to Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh under Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ Management of Crop Residue.
  • An amount of Rs. 523.04 crores have been allocated/ released to the State Governments for provided 75,223 numbers of various machines and equipment to the formers on subsidy, 1540 Custom Hiring Centers, 53 Hi-tech hubs and 2629 Farm Machinery Banks.
  • 10,166 trainees have been trained & 394 numbers of demonstrations have been conducted through FMTTIs, 829 agricultural machineries and equipment have been tested through FMTTIs and Identified Institutes of DA&FW, 75,223 numbers of agricultural machinery & equipment have been distributed on subsidy to the farmers and 4222 numbers of Custom Hiring Centers/Hi-tech Hubs/Farm Machinery Banks have been established to provide machines and equipment to small and marginal farmers on rental basis.
  • On multi-lingual mobile app-based aggregator platform ‘FARMS’ (Farm Machinery Solutions) App 42,179 service providers have registered with more than 1,64,011 machines for renting. More than 5,23,95,476 farmers/other users have also registered for availing the services through this app.


  1. Pradhan Mantri Fasal BimaYojana(PMFBY):
  • Against budget provision of Rs. 16000 crore, Rs. 9719.24 crore have been released/utilized during 2021-22.


  • During Kharif 2021, total number of 484.6 lakh farmers applications have been enrolled over an area of 244.7 lakh ha. for a sum insured of Rs. 99368 crore.
  • Out of the partial claims of Rs. 11148 crore for the year 2020-21, claims of Rs. 10385 crore have already been paid to 110.7 lakh farmer applications.


  1. Rained Farming System:


  • Government has announced for augmentation of Micro-Irrigation Fund corpus created in NABARD of Rs. 5000 cr by another Rs. 5000 cr and continuation during 15th Finance Commission for expanding area of micro-irrigation in country


  • An  area of 59.37 lakh ha has been covered under Micro Irrigation in the country from 2015-16 till date under PMKSY-Per Drop More Crop programme.



  1. Budget Allocation:


  • The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare has been allocated Rs 1,23,018 crore in financial year 2021-22.


  1. Trade:


  • The export of Agri and allied commodities during 2020-21 were Rs. 310811.44Croreas compared to the same period last year indicating an increase of 22.86 %. The commodities which posted significant positive growth in exports were wheat, Other Cereals, Rice (other than Basmati), Soya meal, Raw Cotton, Fresh Vegetable, and Processed Vegetables etc.
  • Wheat and other cereals posted huge growth over last year, i.e., increased from Rs444.20 Crore to Rs4173.08 Crore and Rs1454.72 Crore to Rs5198.42 Crore, respectively. India has witnessed tremendous growth of 839.46 % for Wheat export.Country has witnessed significant growth in export of Other Than-Basmati Rice that is 146.92%. Export of Other Than-Basmati Rice has gone up fromRs14400.33 Crore in 2019-20 to Rs.35557.04 Crore in 2020-21.
  • Other commodities of Agri& Allied basket witnessing significant increase in export 2020- 2021 as compared to corresponding period during 2019-20, have been Raw Cotton (Rs 13968.38 Crore vs Rs 7539.53 Crore, growth 85.27%), Fresh Vegetable (Rs.5388.03 Crore vs Rs 4617 Crore, growth 16.69%) and Processed Vegetables (Rs 3150.06 Crore vs Rs 2212.03 Crore, growth 42.41%) etc.
  • The export details of agriculture commodities in 2021-22 (upto October, 2021) are as follows-  Raw cotton – Rs9224.07 Crore, Fresh vegetable – Rs3648.69 Crore, Processed vegetable – Rs1887.94 Crore.
  • Despite COVID-19, balance of trade in agriculture has favorably increased during 2020-21 to Rs 156300.23 Crore as against Rs. 105530.25 Crore during the same period in 2019-20.


  1. Plant Protection:
  • During 2021-22, an amount of Rs. 108.74/- Crore has been released (as on 03.12.21).
  • A total no. of 12,013 (Till October 2021) samples were analyzed for pesticide residue under Monitoring of Pesticide Residue at National Level (MPRNL) Scheme.
  • Approximately 120.48 Lakh hectare Area has been covered under Locust Surveillance in the year 2021-22. ‘2’ nos. National Training Workshop on Desert Locust was conducted in collaboration with FAO and 22 nos. Locust Awareness Programme has been conducted.
  • Total No. of Farmers Field School (FFSs) conducted under CIPMCs are 70-Kharif & 212-Rabi (undergoing). Total No. of farmers trained under CIPMC are 2450 (Kharif) & 7420 (Rabi).
  • Up to November, 2021 a total No. of 4,53,573 Export Phyto-Sanitary Certificate and total 1,17,227 Import Release Order has been issued. Total Revenue generated through Plant Quarantine activities is 381.31/- Crore.
  • Total No. of Registration Certificates (CRs) issued under various categories u/s 9(3b) (provisional registration)/9(3) (new molecule registration)/9(4) (already registered molecules) under Insecticide Act, 1968 w.e.f. up to 28.12.2021 are 23009.
  • A total no. of 46 pesticides have been banned till date. It is further informed that no pesticide has been banned in the year 2021-22 as on 28.12.2021.
  • Total No. of Awareness Programme conducted under National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) are 121 Nos. and total No. of persons trained are 5803 Nos.


  1. National Beekeeping & Honey Mission (NBHM):


  • 8 project proposals of the State Govts./ Agencies/ Organizations/ Departments/ ICAR/ CAUs/ SAUs, etc. for total assistance of Rs. 1223.45 lakhs has approved by EC under NBHM by NBB.
  • Madhukranti portal for online registration/ traceability system for source of Honey & other beehive products have been launched.
  • More than 11,000 Beekeepers/ Beekeeping & Honey Societies/ Firms/ Companies with’17.00 lakhs honeybee colonies registered with NBB and uploaded on Madhukranti portal.
  • A State of the Art honey & other beehive products testing lab at lARl, Pusa, New Delhi has been launched.
  • 100 FPOs of Beekeepers/Honey Producers have been allotted to TRIFED (14 nos.), NAFED (60 nos.) and NDDB (26 nos.) in the identified areas/ Districts/Ctusters selected by the National Bee Board (NBB) for implementation of activities under NBHM.
  • AMUL honey has been launched in collaboration with Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) and Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Federation, Gujarat.



  1. ATMA:


  • During the current financial year i.e 201-22, an amount of Rs.225.83 crore has been released to States/UTs under ATMA scheme (till date). States/UTs have reported physical achievements upto 31/10/2021 viz. Training of 20101 Extension Personnel, Training of 734529 Farmers, Exposure Visits of 165148 Farmers, Demonstrations on the field of 210712 Farmers, 320060 farmers visited in 4236 Kisan Melas, Mobilization of 11595 Farmers Interest Groups and Setting up of 10082 Farm Schools on the field of Progressive/Awardee Farmers.



  1. Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centers:


  • During 2021-22, with the release of amount of Rs.1194.98 lakhs, total 3033 candidates trained, 1337ventures established and 166 ventures subsidized till now.


  1. Kisan Call Centre:


  • During 2021-22, total 32,95,656 calls answered and Rs. 2336.01lakhshave been released till now.



  1. Sub-Mission on Agro-forestry (SMAF) Scheme:


  • Since inception of the scheme w.e.f. FY 2016-17, a total of 401 lakh trees under an area of 93,809 hectares have been planted in the country so far. Under the scheme, about 76,373 farmers have been benefitted under the scheme so far.

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