Worth Rs. 12478.57 Crore sanction for the 1514 projects during the FY 2004-05 to FY 2021-22 under the “Schemes of NEC”

The North Eastern Council (NEC) was set up under the NEC Act 1971 to function as aregional advisorybody.  Eventually, it is functioning asregional planning body, consequent tothe NEC (Amendment) Act 2002.

One among the schemes of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, titled as the “Schemes of NEC”, is implemented/funded through the NEC. The State-wise details ofprojects approved/sanctioned under the “Schemes of NEC” and those completed therefrom during the period from FY 2004-05till 30.11.2022are given below:

Sl. No. State/Other Agencies Sanctioned Completed

(As on 30.11.2022)

No. of Projects Amount

(In Rs. Cr.)

No. of Projects Amount

(In Rs. Cr.)

1 Arunachal Pradesh 207 1709.80 141 1047.44
2 Assam 218 2056.15 128 1228.37
3 Manipur 201 1600.27 106 988.46
4 Meghalaya 165 1144.32 99 739.29
5 Mizoram 160 1378.39 103 739.44
6 Nagaland 228 1463.23 126 742.43
7 Sikkim 114 650.23 84 473.90
8 Tripura 100 931.15 47 429.27
9 Other Agencies 121 1545.02 63 1067.31
Total   1514 12478.57 897 7455.91


The number of projects approved and the amount sanctioned for those to the North Eastern Statesduring FY 2004-05 to FY 2021-22 State/year-wise are attached atAnnexure-I.

The State/year-wise details of projects sanctioned and completed under Schemes of NEC in Manipur and Sikkim from FY 2004-05 to FY 2022-23 (as on 30.11.2022), are given atAnnexure-II.





(Amounts in Rs.crore)



Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Sikkim Tripura OtherAgency Total


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


2004-05 8 185.36 22 481.2 4 32.49 6 13.63 10 221.45 8 12.03 9 34.7 9 24.11 14 100.71 90 1105.69
2005-06 8 22.46 11 133.34 8 31.94 7 64.14 6 18.78 15 108.58 13 83.33 10 159.89 1 0.23 79 622.68
2006-07 10 239.23 36 263.26 0 0 8 96.4 11 23.99 8 142.64 5 10.55 5 89.25 0 0 83 865.33
2007-08 1 2.46 2 27.51 1 0.94 3 13.1 1 2.3 0 0 3 10.38 3 81.23 0 0 14 137.91
2008-09 4 64.05 4 16.78 1 26.4 5 13.19 4 26.73 4 14.56 6 27.92 0 0 2 14.47 30 204.09
2009-10 19 180.96 19 134.57 7 85.3 14 244.96 4 14.29 8 76.97 11 67.18 2 3.04 4 18.71 88 825.98
2010-11 16 205.23 9 140.45 5 18.78 10 103.27 9 267.9 4 89.29 6 24.18 1 233.41 1 200 61 1282.5
2011-12 12 44.73 3 12.19 12 39.2 5 15.7 9 30.74 11 44.8 6 25.96 8 33.74 2 2.6 68 249.66
2012-13 10 46.7 14 196.17 13 205.16 11 111.49 9 248.19 14 278.11 9 101.24 4 26.61 0 0 84 1213.67
2013-14 9 26.05 8 39.26 14 79.41 10 58.65 4 31.13 13 105.1 6 35.83 3 16.52 0 0 67 391.95
2014-15 5 15.63 4 20.37 7 159.78 0 0 1 2.38 7 44.05 1 3.99 3 29.71 2 553.85 30 829.77
2015-16 23 286.79 6 57.42 20 219.21 6 31.04 9 74.77 11 64.89 6 39.95 4 25.66 6 23.1 91 822.82
2016-17 10 36.66 14 150.83 39 290.79 14 75.88 13 85.59 26 122.32 4 27.69 3 26.53 9 119.15 132 935.45
2017-18 31 176.79 14 98.72 29 199.98 24 102.63 13 121.99 43 168.21 6 45.85 6 26.75 12 46.61 178 987.53
2018-19 0 0 1 27.99 2 8.94 0 0 1 4.42 2 6.36 0 0 0 0 4 12.42 10 60.13
2019-20 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6.83 1 1 1 1 2 1.1 17 20.93
2020-21 12 58.67 16 71.91 16 73.06 17 69.05 27 80.02 23 64.65 8 35.8 15 50.58 44 298.66 178 802.39
2021-22 28 117.02 28 177.19 22 127.89 24 130.19 28 122.72 29 113.85 14 74.69 23 103.12 18 153.42 214 1120.09
Total 207 1709.8 218 2056.15 201 1600.27 165 1144.32 160 1378.39 228 1463.23 114 650.23 100 931.15 121 1545.02 1514 12478.6



(Amountsin Rscr)



Manipur Sikkim
Sanctioned Completed Sanctioned Completed


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


Amount No.of


2004-05 4 32.49 0 0 9 34.7 1 3.76
2005-06 8 31.94 0 0 13 83.33 0 0
2006-07 0 0 3 0.44 5 10.55 0 0
2007-08 1 0.94 0 0 3 10.38 2 5.06
2008-09 1 26.4 3 30.35 6 27.92 4 13.29
2009-10 7 85.3 2 1.12 11 67.18 12 55.74
2010-11 5 18.78 1 0.33 6 24.18 5 27.26
2011-12 12 39.2 2 4.82 6 25.96 5 34.67
2012-13 13 205.16 1 2.91 9 101.24 2 6.52
2013-14 14 79.41 0 0 6 35.83 2 9.87
2014-15 7 159.78 1 4.35 1 3.99 1 2.01
2015-16 20 219.21 6 39.76 6 39.95 0 0
2016-17 39 290.79 3 15.24 4 27.69 5 19.2
2017-18 29 199.98 4 19.63 6 45.85 4 34.47
2018-19 2 8.94 17 125.17 0 0 7 39.85
2019-20 1 1 17 255.04 1 1 9 41.54
2020-21 16 73.06 17 147.52 8 35.8 6 47.8
2021-22 22 127.89 16 252.67 14 74.69 14 79.14
2022-23 0 0 13 89.12 0 0 5 53.71
Total 201 1600.27 106 988.46 114 650.23 84 473.90

This information was given by the Minister for Development of North Eastern Region Shri G. Kishan Reddy in the Lok Sabha in a written reply today.

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