New Delhi :Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel on Monday kicked off his mammoth public interaction drive—‘Bhent-Mulaqat Abhiyan’—in Bilaspur division from Marwahi assembly constituency. On his arrival at Marwahi, Mr. Baghel was accorded a traditional welcome with ‘gamchha’ and spun yarn by the local public representatives and the general public.
Chief Minister reached Mata Nageswari Devi temple before commencing his programme in Marwahi and offered prayers to the deity with traditional rituals. He prayed for happiness, prosperity and well being of the people of Chhattisgarh. The locals believe that the idol of Nageshwari Devi, dating back to about 10th century, has manifested itself here.
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel planted saplings of Kadamba, Neem and Peepal trees in the temple premises after offering prayers to the goddess, spreading the message of greenery and environmental protection.
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