How to List Online Courses on a Resume in 2023 (Tips and Examples)

In today’s competitive job market, having the right skills and qualifications is essential. Online courses have become a popular way to acquire new skills and stay updated with industry trends. But when it comes to showcasing these courses on your resume, it can be challenging to know when and how to include them. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for listing online courses on your resume, ensuring that you present your qualifications in the best light possible. We’ll also provide real-life examples to help you understand how to apply these practices effectively.

Determine the relevance of the online courses

Before listing any online course on your resume, evaluate whether it is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Include courses that demonstrate specific skills, knowledge, or certifications that the employer is looking for. If the course is unrelated to the position, it may be best to leave it off your resume and focus on more pertinent qualifications.

Example: If you’re applying for a digital marketing position, an online course in Google Ads or social media marketing would be relevant, whereas a course in pottery making might not be.

Choose the right section to list your online courses

The placement of your online courses on your resume will depend on the overall structure and format. Here are three common sections where you can include your online courses, along with real-life examples:

Education: If your online course resulted in a degree, diploma, or certification, you can list it under the education section along with your traditional academic credentials.


Professional Development or Continuing Education: If the online course is relevant but not part of a formal degree program, consider creating a separate section for professional development or continuing education to showcase these accomplishments.


Skills: If the course provided you with specific skills relevant to the job, you can list those skills in the skills section and mention the course as the source of your expertise.


Provide essential details

When listing an online course, make sure to include the following information:

  • Course name: Mention the full and accurate name of the course.
  • Institution or platform: Include the name of the institution or online platform where you took the course, such as Coursera, Udacity, or edX.
  • Date of completion: Mention the month and year when you completed the course. If you’re still working on the course, you can list it as “In Progress.”
  • Certifications or credentials: If the course resulted in a certification or credential, include that information as well.


Highlight your accomplishments

If the online course involved a significant project, presentation, or other achievements, consider highlighting these accomplishments on your resume. This can help demonstrate your practical application of the skills learned in the course, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Example: Social Media Marketing Strategy (Digital Marketing Course, Coursera, 2021): Developed a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a local non-profit, resulting in a 20% increase in online engagement.

Be prepared to discuss your online courses during an interview

Listing an online course on your resume may prompt the interviewer to ask you about it. Be prepared to discuss the course content, what you learned, and how it applies to the job you’re seeking. This will show that you took the course seriously and are committed to professional development.


Online courses can be a valuable addition to your resume, especially when they are relevant to the job you’re applying for. By following these guidelines and learning from real-life examples, you can effectively showcase your online courses and demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and professional growth. Remember to be strategic in your selections, focus on relevance, and provide the necessary details to impress potential employers.

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