BEE Star Labels – All You Need to Know

Various factors like size, cost, company, color, model, etc determine either the purchase or the upgrade of an electrical appliance. With consumers becoming environment and energy-conscious, another factor that has been made to the priority list is energy efficiency.

How does one know if the appliance they are procuring is energy efficient?

The electric appliances have a label on them that tells you about its energy rating. These are called the BEE ratings.

As a conscious consumer, it is important that you know all about the BEE ratings when you head out to a shop for purchasing an AC or a geyser for your home or office.

What is BEE?

With Climate change and global warming being international concerns, it is important that countries regulate their CO2 emission. The Government of India realizes the gravity of this situation and has come up with BEE Star Label Program.

BEE stands for Bureau of Energy Efficiency. It is a program implemented by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency under the Ministry of Power. This program of government-approved rating was initiated in 2006.

What is the purpose of BEE?

The program aims to help the consumer make informed decisions about electrical products. According to Riya, an expert at ECD “This is done by providing information regarding the energy consumption of each of those products that fall within the ambit of BEE.  BEE covers a diverse range of appliances including Refrigerator & Freezers, Domestic Induction Stove, Air Conditioner, Water Heater, Office Automation Products, Washing Machine, etc.”

Why should you look for a star-rated appliance?

A higher star rating means a more efficient appliance, which in turn means a lower electricity bill every month. Most modern households have multiple appliances that consume a lot of electricity such as air conditioners, refrigerators, heaters, and even ceiling fans.

Who wouldn’t want to be a smart, environmentally conscious consumer and also save money! BEE star ratings allow you to do both.

“From computer to air conditioners and refrigerators to ceiling fans, a present-day household function on multiple appliances. The more the appliances the more the electricity consumption. BEE star ratings help make your house an energy-efficient one and save money in the long run”, says Riya.

Moreover, BEE follows a notification system where they notify people of products that don’t match their rating specifications.

How is the star rating calculated?

When it comes to calculating the star rating, a lot of values are extrapolated to derive the rating. Every category of appliance has a set method of calculation. Analysis of existing products is done based on these calculations. Once the calculation is done, the bottom 10 bid adieu from the market. The remainder 90% is then given ratings between one and five stars.

If the product purchased doesn’t perform as per the star ratings’ specification, the consumer can file a complaint to BEE. BEE would then test the model. If the test results fail to deliver the brief of meeting the specifications, the model purchased stands the risk of losing the BEE ratings and being pulled out from the market.

What are the different kinds of labels?

BEE provides two kinds of labels:

Big labels: Big labels or big star rating is given to appliances that consume more electricity and are used for longer periods. These labels have some additional information regarding the yearly energy consumption of the product, product category, and brand name. Big labels allow consumers to calculate the cost of using the product as well.

Small labels: Appliance consuming significantly less energy like tube-lights, computers fall in the category of small labels. Energy consumption of such products is depicted by showing the star ratings only.

So, is star rating enough?

Not always. With all that is said about energy efficiency and BEE ratings, there is an important aspect to note. A 5-star BEE rating does not always mean a great product. It only means that the product is great at saving energy.

“For certain products like television, people may prefer to invest in a set that has advanced technology regardless of higher electricity consumption. Thus, star ratings are not always the hallmark of quality” say experts at ECD.

Bottom Line

BEE star rating is a big step towards addressing issues like climate change, energy conservation, and global warming. Its transparent labeling and starring system help consumers make an informed choice about the appliances they want to put their money on.

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