The Amarnath Yatra continues smoothly since its start on June 29, with 2,907 pilgrims departing Jammu’s Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas in two escorted convoys on Wednesday morning. The first convoy, with 1,134 yatris in 41 vehicles, headed for the north Kashmir Baltal base camp, while the second, with 1,773 yatris in 62 vehicles, went to the south Kashmir Nunwan (Pahalgam) base camp.
The cave shrine, located at 3,888 meters above sea level in the Kashmir Himalayas, houses an ice stalagmite that fluctuates with the moon phases. Pilgrims can reach the shrine via the 48 km Pahalgam route, taking four to five days, or the 14 km Baltal route, which allows a one-day visit.
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