6 Things That Might Be Negatively Affecting Your Business Water Rates

When accounting for expenditure on utilities, many business leaders are left scratching their heads – wondering why their water bills are so astronomically high. Water is an expensive and hugely necessary commodity that all businesses need to use in one way or another. Figuring out why a bill is so high is the first step towards reducing costs. Here are six areas that need to be considered in any water audit.

Wastage Culture

Wasting water is not uncommon. Water, after all, appears to be an infinite resource. People frequently leave taps on, boil too much water for a cup of tea, and engage in all sorts of wasteful behavior. If your business is going to cut down on spending related to water utilities, then it is, unfortunately, the duty of the leadership to train staff in water preservation.


Leaks are quite obviously potential factors in increasing water rates that otherwise cannot be explained. Leaks not only waste water by letting it out of a system. They also waste water by reducing the overall pressure of a water provision network, meaning that more water needs to be pumped in to compensate. A sudden vast increase in water rates could be caused by a significant leak. Professional help needs to be sought if a leak is suspected. Leaks don’t just cost money; they can potentially undermine the structural integrity of a building and put lives at risk.

Suppliers Increasing Prices

Have you always been with the same supplier? If so, you may be paying much more for your water than other suppliers are charging their customers. It is more than possible that the supplier has been slowly increasing the price of water, but you don’t have to pay these high prices. Since 2017, businesses have been able to choose their water suppliers and go with one where the water business rates are much better for their finances. Easily compare all the suppliers and find a cheaper option.


Blockages in piping and sewers can account for a sudden increase in water business rates. Serious blockages mean that more water pressure is needed to get water to where it needs to go. It also means that water tends to pool within hidden reservoirs until it can be released. A business plumbing specialist or water auditor will usually be able to spot the telltale signs of a blockage. Once removed, water bills should significantly decrease. Unfortunately, some blockages can be very expensive to remove. Make sure that people working within the business do not dispose of any solid or fatty objects into the water system, as this can be a major cause of blockages.

Outdated Technology

There are plenty of technological innovations designed specifically to stop water wastage. Flow-reducing taps, dual flush toilets, and water reuse systems are all incredibly useful for the business taking a close look at their water expenditure. The dual flush toilet, invented by the Australian Bruce Thompson in the early 1980s, has saved millions of liters of water since it’s introduction. Simple designs like the dual flush toilet can help businesses gradually whittle down their water expenditure and free up their budgets.

Outdated Industrial Processes

Water usage is very high in many industrial fields, but outdated processes are ensuring that many businesses are spending more than they have to. Arrange for an audit of manufacturing processes to be completed in order to identify any areas that might be driving rates up. Agriculture and manufacturing businesses are particularly prone to water overuse.

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